After completing each lead, players get their cards from the spare deck.If a participant was able to block all the cards put forward, the system sends them to a separate pile called a trash, and they no longer participate in the game.The batting player should either block all the cards or pick them up for himself/herself.The player, under which another player made a move, should block these cards with either a trump card or a high card of the same suit.It is allowed to put any number of cards onto the field, but only if they are of the same suit and their number does not exceed the total number of cards in the hands of the batting participant.The one with the lowest trump card is the first to draw a card the next participant (clockwise) leads second, and so on.Then all remaining cards, together with a certain trump card, are put into one pile in reserve.Initially, the system automatically issues six cards to each participant.Getting rid of cards before all rivals is the goal of the game. The number of participants varies from two to four people.

For its implementation, a deck is provided, which consists of 36 cards. Durak is one of many popular varieties of card games.